Chefs 2025

CHEFS of the BURBS Coming May 21, 2025
Every year, a signature event for our Rotary club is the renowned “Chefs of the Burbs”. During this event attendees from our community sample the wonderful food creations from close two 2 dozen local restaurants,  participate in a silent and live auctions, and enjoy an evening of community celebration. All of this benefitting local charitable organizations. 

Every child deserves a community who cares. For one night each year the Rotary Club of Blue Bell invites twenty of our area’s most talented restaurant chefs to create an unforgettable feast. Proceeds from this popular annual event support local kids and community though the Rotary Club of Blue Bell and their local nonprofit beneficiaries*. 

Blue Bell Rotary Club is one of 35,000 clubs around the world comprising 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who volunteer to create lasting change in our communities and across the globe. Since its founding 30 years ago, Blue Bell Rotary has contributed over $2 Million and countless service hours to local and international needs. 

Please join us on May 21, 2025 at Manor House @ Prophecy Creek Manor in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Tickets ($95pp) and business sponsorships for Chefs of the Burbs are available at To learn more about Rotary Club of Blue Bell visit

Chefs 2025 Daniel Watson-Bey 2023-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

Chefs 2023

CHEFS of the BURBS May 2023
Every year, a signature event for our Rotary club is the renowned “Chefs of the Burbs”.  During this event attendees from our community sample the wonderful food creations from close two 2 dozen local restaurants,  participate in a silent and live auctions, and enjoy an evening of community celebration. All of this benefitting local charitable organizations. 
This year we held our 17th annual Chefs of the Burbs on May 17th, on the beautiful grounds of Prophecy Creek Manor.  It was a sold-out event with over 325 people in attendance.   A great time was had by all!  We  are so grateful to our many sponsors for the event, including Lauro Painting, Wegmans, Montgomery Community College, Jefferson Medical College, the Clarence J. Venne Foundation, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Tompkins, Joseph Levine & Sons, Steven Binnick MD, Keller Williams, and Vogel Giving Fund.  We raised over $70,000  to benefit the Wissahickon Boys & Girls Club, Do Better 4 Steve, Family Promise Montco PA, and the Foundation of Blue Bell Rotary.
Our 2024 Chefs event is in the works right now, so stay tuned!
Chefs 2023 Lisa Janzer 2023-10-08 04:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell Rotary Supports Rotaplast

Rotaplast International has been providing reconstructive surgeries for 25 years to children with cleft lip, cleft palate, burns, and other anomalies in countries where they would not receive reconstructive surgeries. So far, Rotaplast has supported 220 missions to 26 countries, treating 20,200 patients and creating enormous international goodwill.
For over a dozen years, Blue Bell Rotary has been supporting Rotaplast through our District 7430 Rotaplast team. Blue Bell Rotarians, husband and wife team Andy Johanson and Wendy Axelrod help raise funds ($100,00 per mission) that send multidisciplinary volunteer medical teams to provide reconstructive surgeries. These surgeries normalize the children and their families, so they can join their community and pursue a highly functional, active, and happy life. Just as important, beginning in 2010, Andy and Wendy have traveled to these economically challenged countries to participate, hands-on, in numerous 2-week medical missions.
Though there has been a pandemic hiatus, our next mission will be scheduled once funds are secured.    Blue Bell Rotary is a proud supporter of this humanitarian effort, and we are gratified to continue helping transform hundreds of lives in the coming years.
Blue Bell Rotary Supports Rotaplast  Heather Morgan 2022-05-10 04:00:00Z 0

Golf Outing Beneficiaries Receive Donation

Our Golf Outing beneficiaries received donations at this week's meeting at Normandy Farm. The Montgomery County Community College and the Norristown Safe House were both presented with donations that will help them further their impact within the community. 
Golf Outing Beneficiaries Receive Donation Heather Morgan 2021-10-05 04:00:00Z 0
Mindi Vogel Featured in Blue Bell's Finest 2021-05-05 04:00:00Z 0
Holiday Giving with the Wissahickon Valley Boys and Girls Club 2020-12-17 05:00:00Z 0

Doubling Down on Covid Relief

Even with massive obstacles, when it comes to supporting our community, Blue Bell Rotarians have lots of stamina. Give us a daunting situation and we will double down. Read about the work we are doing in the community to bring relief to our neighbors who have been impacted by Covid-19.
Doubling Down on Covid Relief Wendy Axelrod 2020-10-22 04:00:00Z 0

BBRC Covid-19 Task Group

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In response to the needs created by the current COVID-19 Crisis, the Blue Bell Rotary Club organized a task group to meet the needs of the community. So far, the task group has accomplished the following: 
  • Members filled critical needs on Inter-Faith Housing Alliance's Amazon Wishlist
  • $2000 in grocery gift cards presented to families of Inter-Faith Housing Alliance
  • $1000 in grocery gift cards presented to the Boys and Girls Club Ambler
More gift card drives are underway to support those in the community who need help during these challenging times. 
BBRC Covid-19 Task Group 2020-04-07 04:00:00Z 0

Supporting our Whitpain Township's Firefighters

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Blue Bell Rotary supports our local community, and we're happy to share in service with the Whitpain Township Centre Square Fire Station. Our felllow Rotarians presented a check to Doug Thomas and Darren Meyers for 2 years of a 5 year pledge by the Rotary Club toward their new fire house. They moved into this new fire house at the beginning of 2018 which replaced their existing building they had been occupying for over 60 years.  Their new building was designed to include ease of access for the fire equipment, bunking facilities for the members during emergency situations and state of the art electronics allowing them to better serve the community.
Supporting our Whitpain Township's Firefighters MBI 2018-02-28 05:00:00Z 0
The American Legion's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast MBI 2018-01-17 05:00:00Z 0
Hope Gardens Renovation 2017 2017-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

A Visit to Italy!

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Fellow Rotarian Andy Johanson and his wife Wendy attend a meeting in Florence, Italy!
A Visit to Italy! 2017-10-27 04:00:00Z 0

Wissahickon Valley Boys and Girls Club Grand Opening!

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The grand opening ceremony for the Wissahickon Valley Boys and Girls club was held September 6th. Our Blue Bell Rotary Club has supported them actively and financially over the years, and we were blessed with the opportunity to celebrate this wonderful occasion alongside them.
Learn more about them on their Facebook page HERE.
Wissahickon Valley Boys and Girls Club Grand Opening! 2017-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

Presenting the Presidential Plaque

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Our new President, Lei Barry, presented our most recent past President, David Heins, with the Presidential Plaque to commemorate his upstanding service to our club and the community in his role for the 2016-2017 year.
Presenting the Presidential Plaque 2017-08-30 04:00:00Z 0

WHS Interact + Rotary Youth Exchange Team Up with Blue Bell Rotary

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Sunday, April 30 WHS students from the Interact Club and Rotary Youth Exchange teamed with Blue Bell Rotary members at the 6th Annual Pancake Breakfast  for SARS - Whitpain's Second Alarmers Rescue Squad. 
Alex Wee, Andrew Tran, Aneesa Wermers and Dana Kuo from Interact, along with Daniel Berrins and Eva Konis from Rotary Youth Exchange worked together to do whatever was needed to make the Pancake Breakfast for the emergency rescue squad run smoothly. Truly a fantastic demonstration of Rotary's ability to bring people together in our community.
WHS Interact + Rotary Youth Exchange Team Up with Blue Bell Rotary 2017-05-07 04:00:00Z 0

BBRC volunteers at Cradles to Crayons

Posted by DJH
Great time volunteering at Cradles to Crayons by our Rotarians.  We spent 2 hours making sure some of the estimated 70,000 needy children in the Phillie Area get the clothes, school supplies and books they so desperately need.  Stay tuned for our next date!
BBRC volunteers at Cradles to Crayons DJH 2017-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell Rotary Pancake Breakfast for the Benefit of Second Alarmer’s Rescue Squad

Come eat your fill of delicious pancakes (and eggs and sausage), help support the Second Alarmer’s Rescue Squad and visit beautiful Manor House at Prophecy Creek Park, all on a (guaranteed) sparkling April morning.  The Blue Bell Club of Rotary is once again offering its All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 17th  from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the low price of $8 for adults and teens and $5 for children between 3 and 10 (cash or check).
Kids – and adults – will also have the opportunity to have their pictures taken with Elmo, Spidyman, or their favorite Snow Queen princess.  The Second Alarmer’s will have one of their rescue vehicles there along with lots of their cool, high-tech equipment.  This event is great for families, scouting groups and Sunday School classes as well.
All proceeds from the event will go to the Second Alarmer’s to help pay the costs of their brand new facility in Blue Bell.  Tickets may be purchased at the Whitpain Township building during its regular hours of operation, or at the door.  The Manor House is located at 205 Skippack Pike in Blue Bell, near the intersection of Skippack Pike and Narcissa Road.
Randy Brock, President of Rotary of Blue Bell, said recently “ Our club looks forward to our annual, 5th annual, community event where or focus is on community and fun!” Day or night, in any emergency, SARS is always there to help our residents, the visitors, and the business members of our community.  They are, quite simply, the best and have recently been awarded the AHA SILVER EMS AWARD for outstanding cardiac care.  The station averages a 5 ½ minute response time to emergency calls; well below the EMS national 9 minute response time.  When every second counts, it’s easy to understand the draw to our community with emergency support like SARS for our residents.
Sponsors include Univest, Robert Fair Caterers, Saxby’s Coffee and Whitpain Township.
Blue Bell Rotary Pancake Breakfast for the Benefit of Second Alarmer’s Rescue Squad 2016-04-02 04:00:00Z 0

Winners of the Four Way Test Speech Competition at Wissahickon High School

The Rotary Club of Blue Bell conducted its annual Four Way Test Speech Contest at Wissahickon High School on February 18, 2016.  The contest challenges students to prepare a speech on some issue of importance to them and to use the Rotary Four Way Test to analyze the issue.  All five contestants were well prepared and demonstrated both an understanding of the Four Way Test and the analytical skill to apply the test to their chosen issue.
The top three students won cash prizes.  In third place, Lindsey Fritz spoke passionately of the moral and ethical considerations of Veganism.  Second place winner Jon Pogorzelski looked at the issue of the underfunding of public defender offices and the lack of equal justice for indigent defendants.  First place winner David Huang, talked of the undue pressures on many teens to focus too much time and energy getting into the right college, instead of focusing on becoming a lifelong learner.
 David will be representing Wissahickon High School in the regional contest on Saturday, March 19 starting at 10:00 a.m. in College Hall at the Blue Bell campus of Montgomery County Community College.  The winner of the regional contest will compete at the Rotary District 7340 conference in Gettysburg at the end of April.
The Four Way Test, which guides the lives of Rotarians worldwide, embodies the following:
First, is it the Truth?
Second, is it Fair to all concerned?
Third, will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Fourth, will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
Sophie Wollman, Christina Tsiobikas, Lindsey Fritz, Jon Pogorzelski, David Huang
Winners of the Four Way Test Speech Competition at Wissahickon High School 2016-02-24 05:00:00Z 0

Celebrate Vocational Service Month

Celebrate Vocational Service Month this January and learn more about Rotary. Rotarians serve, empower, and inspire others by using their vocational skills and expertise to address community needs and help others discover new vocational opportunities. Here are a couple of ways that Rotarians (including Blue Bell Rotary) are applying their expertise to the needs of their communities: 
Celebrate Vocational Service Month 2016-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

A Word of Thanks from Wissahickon Boys and Girls Club

On behalf of the North Penn Valley Boys & Girls Club, I would like to thank you for your generous contribution of$15,000.00 for our Wissahickon Club. Each year the North Penn Valley Boys & Girls Club continues to advance our mission to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Through our programs we have seen many lives changed for the better. Your commitment to helping our work in the community is sincerely appreciated.  read more here
A Word of Thanks from Wissahickon Boys and Girls Club 2015-12-19 05:00:00Z 0

Patti Smith : RI Service Above Self Award

Posted on Sep 03, 2015
The 2014-2015 recipients of the RI Service Above Self Award, Rotary International's highest honor for individual Rotarians includes our own Patti Smith! This award recognizes Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary humanitarian service, especially those who have helped others through personal volunteer work and active involvement in Rotary.
Patti Smith : RI Service Above Self Award 2015-09-04 00:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell Rotary Celebrates 25th Anniversary with $25,000 pledge

Posted on Jun 03, 2015
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The Rotary Club of Blue Bell is pleased to announce its commitment toward education here in the local community with its pledge of $25,000 toward Montgomery County Community College Foundation’s Futures Rising campaign with The Blue Bell Rotary 25th Anniversary Good Citizenship Endowed Scholarship.
Blue Bell Rotary Celebrates 25th Anniversary with $25,000 pledge Lisa Miller 2015-06-04 00:00:00Z 0
Drexel/Rotary International Expands Maternal and Child Healthcare Training in Uganda 2015-05-10 00:00:00Z 0

Making a Difference in Maternal and Child Health

Posted by lisa Miller on Apr 27, 2015
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Sixteen mothers die in childbirth in Uganda every day. “How can we make a difference?” is the question Ryan, then a medical student at Drexel University College of Medicine, posed to his father several years ago. The result of that question and his father’s, Ron Smith, Rotary membership was to bring together staff from two medical schools - Drexel University College of Medicine in Phila. and Makerere University School of Health Sciences in Kampala, Uganda.  In 2014, Drexel and Makerere began an exchange of ideas, technology, and staff to find ways to reduce mortality and morbidity during and after childbirth and improve access to essential medical services. Ron Smith, member of the Rotary Club of Blue Bell and recent recipient of the Drexel University Alumni Association’s Service to Community Award, established a Maternal and Child Health project. Through partnerships from other clubs, Drexel University College of Medicine, and interested parties, this program will establish a sustainable interchange of healthcare ideas and training of healthcare professionals. All of this, from one idea.

Making a Difference in Maternal and Child Health lisa Miller 2015-04-28 00:00:00Z 0

District 7430 Rotarian earns President’s Volunteer Service Award

Posted on Apr 16, 2015
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SARASOTA, Fla., April 15, 2015 – As National Volunteer Week, April 12-18, is being observed, Allan Syphers, a member of the Rotary Club of Blue Bell of Rotary District 7430, has been recognized by President Obama and humanitarian organization, ShelterBox USA with the President’s Volunteer Service Award for his efforts in 2014 to assist disaster survivors.
When disasters like Cyclone Pam in the Vanuatu and the Syrian refugee crisis strike, many want to help. Syphers took action for ShelterBox, an international disaster relief organization that delivers emergency tented shelter and other lifesaving supplies to survivors of disasters and other humanitarian crises.
Through Allan’s efforts of raising awareness and funds for ShelterBox, the organization was able to respond to more than 23 disasters last year, providing families with disaster relief tents, cook stoves, water filters, blankets, mosquito nets, children’s packs and other essential equipment. In one of the more busy years in ShelterBox history, ShelterBox has sent aid to support more than 10,500 families. 
District 7430 Rotarian earns President’s Volunteer Service Award 2015-04-17 00:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell Club of Rotary holding pancake breakfast to benefit Second Alarmer’s Rescue Squad

Posted on Apr 12, 2015
Ummm, pancakes!  Come eat your fill of delicious pancakes (and eggs and sausage), help support the Second Alarmer’s Rescue Squad and visit beautiful Manor House at Prophecy Creek Park, all on a (guaranteed) sparkling May morning.  The Blue Bell Club of Rotary is once again offering its All You Can Eat Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, May 3, 2015 from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. at the low price of $8 for adults and teens and $5 for children between 3 and 10 (cash or check).
Sponsors include Univest, Norristown Bell Credit Union, ACTS Retirement-Life Communities, Bryn Mawr Trust, State Representative Kate Harper, Patient First, Max L Lieberman and Associates
Blue Bell Club of Rotary holding pancake breakfast to benefit Second Alarmer’s Rescue Squad 2015-04-13 00:00:00Z 0

Winners of the Four Way Test Speech Competition at Wissahickon High School

Posted by Lisa Miller on Mar 16, 2015
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The Rotary Club of Blue Bell conducted its annual Four Way Test Speech Contest at Wissahickon High School on March 17, 2015.  The contest challenges students to prepare a speech on some issue of importance to them and to use the Rotary Four Way Test to analyze the issue.  All seven contestants were well prepared and demonstrated both an understanding of the Four Way Test and the analytical skill to apply the test to their chosen issue.

For pictures, click here

Winners of the Four Way Test Speech Competition at Wissahickon High School Lisa Miller 2015-03-17 00:00:00Z 0

Hats off to Andy as Citizen of the Week

Posted by Lisa Miller on Feb 04, 2015

For Dr. Andrew Johanson, charity begins at home, extends through the community and reaches out as far as Columbia and the Philippines.

Johanson is a licensed family and marriage therapist who has lived in Ambler for about 12 years. He has a private practice during the day, with offices in Lansdale and Bethlehem, and he dedicates much of his free time to the Rotary Club of Blue Bell, an organization that supports both local efforts and global causes.

For more read here

Hats off to Andy as Citizen of the Week Lisa Miller 2015-02-05 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary holds fundraiser for Second Alarmers

Posted by Lisa Miller on Apr 26, 2014
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Community members in Blue Bell chowed down for breakfast to helps support first responders Sunday.

The Blue Bell Rotary Club held its third annual pancake breakfast at the Manor House at Prophecy Creek Park April 27 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. The event featured a special visit from the Phillie Phanatic and Elmo from Sesame Street. Proceeds from the event benefitted the Second Alarmers Rescue Squad.

It was all laughter and smiles as the lovable, green Phillies mascot paraded into the building, causing harmless mischief and posing for pictures wherever he walked. In between the eggs, sausage, pancakes and coffee, those in attendance followed the Phanatic to see just what he’d do next. Later Elmo danced and waived to the many smiling children who greeted him.

see more at: 

Rotary holds fundraiser for Second Alarmers Lisa Miller 2014-04-27 00:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell Rotary Club holds pancake breakfast for Second Alamers Rescue Squad featuring Phillie Phanatic

Posted by Lisa Miller on Apr 26, 2014
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Community members in Blue Bell chowed down for breakfast to help support first responders Sunday.

The Blue Bell Rotary Club held its third annual pancake breakfast at the Manor House at Prophecy Creek Park April 27 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. The event featured a special visit from the Phillie Phanatic and Elmo from Sesame Street. Proceeds from the event benefitted the Second Alarmers Rescue Squad.

It was all laughter and smiles as the lovable, green Phillies mascot paraded into the building, causing harmless mischief and posing for pictures wherever he walked. In between the eggs, sausage, pancakes and coffee, those in attendance followed the Phanatic to see just what he’d do next.  Later Elmo danced and waived to the many smiling children who greeted him.

see more at: 

Blue Bell Rotary Club holds pancake breakfast for Second Alamers Rescue Squad featuring Phillie Phanatic Lisa Miller 2014-04-27 00:00:00Z 0
Blue Bell Rotary assists Montgomery County Community College in Job Fair Lisa Miller 2014-04-16 00:00:00Z 0

Lansdale business man, Rotarian travels to Uganda with Drexel doctors

Posted by Lisa Miller on Mar 17, 2014
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It all started with a conversation at the San Diego Zoo nine years ago. Through curiosity, and his son’s study of pediatric medicine, Ron Smith became involved in a much larger cause. Smith, founder of Lansdale’s S-Bond Technologies, met Tusu Tusubira in San Diego at a conference in 2005 training Rotary leaders from around the world. “He had this great smile and was extremely welcoming,” Smith said.

While visiting the San Diego Zoo and observing an African exhibit, Smith asked Tusu what it was like viewing an African exhibit that was meant to represent his own country and continent. From there a friendship blossomed. Smith, a member of the Blue Bell Rotary Club, then commenced a relationship between his home Rotary and Tusu’s club in Uganda - Kampala North.

Click here for more information

Lansdale business man, Rotarian travels to Uganda with Drexel doctors Lisa Miller 2014-03-18 00:00:00Z 0

Local Organizations Offer Low Cost Blood Tests & Free Health Screenings at Wellness Expo

Posted by Lisa Miller on Mar 04, 2014
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Einstein Medical Center Montgomery, the Rotary Club of Blue Bell, and Montgomery County Community College will continue their long tradition of promoting healthy living when they host the 14th annual Montgomery County Wellness Expo on Saturday, March 22, from 8:30 a.m. to noon. 


The free event takes place in the Physical Education Center at Montgomery County Community College, 340 DeKalb Pike, Blue Bell, PA (use Cathcart Road entrance), and includes health screenings, educational information, wellness activities and giveaways.  

Local Organizations Offer Low Cost Blood Tests & Free Health Screenings at Wellness Expo Lisa Miller 2014-03-05 00:00:00Z 0

Gov. Tom Corbett addresses issues facing Pennsylvania at Rotary dinner in Blue Bell

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jan 29, 2014
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett made a stop in Blue Bell to speak with Rotarians about issues facing the Commonwealth.

The governor attended the Rotary Leadership dinner at the Manor House at Prophecy Creek, 205 W. Skippack Pike, Jan. 29. The event was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Blue Bell.

For more information, click here

Gov. Tom Corbett addresses issues facing Pennsylvania at Rotary dinner in Blue Bell Lisa Miller 2014-01-30 00:00:00Z 0
Citizen of the Week: Allan Syphers Lisa Miller 2013-12-21 00:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell Rotary members visited the Ambler Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard

Posted by Lisa Miller on Dec 19, 2013
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Blue Bell Rotary members visited the Ambler Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard as part of our club’s focus on food initiatives.  We were warmly welcomed and given a short tour to see the food pantry, clothing boutique and education rooms by which the Community Cupboard serves about 400 families.  Food is delivered to elderly clients and the food “store” is open twice a week for families to come in to choose food and supplies they most need.  The Community Cupboard also provides education and basic nursing care.  The Blue Bell Rotary Club provided its support to Mattie Dixon in the amount of $2000 with a check presented to Executive Director Christine Bouley by BBRC members Rusty Beardsley, Bruce Dearnley and Jon Lundy.

Blue Bell Rotary members visited the Ambler Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard Lisa Miller 2013-12-20 00:00:00Z 0
Montgomery County volunteer recognized by international disaster relief organization Lisa Miller 2013-11-15 00:00:00Z 0
MCCC charters new Rotaract Club, installs officers and members Lisa Miller 2013-11-13 00:00:00Z 0
Golf for Mission Kids: Blue Bell Rotary Club’s annual golf outing Lisa Miller 2013-09-03 00:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell Rotary Addresses Local Hunger Through Support at Philabundance

Posted by Lisa Miller on Aug 14, 2013
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Philabundance shares these statistics on hunger:

The Delaware Valley is one of the hardest hit areas nationwide, with our children paying the price:

  • About 27% percent of Philadelphians live below the poverty line
  • Our agencies have seen a 26% increase in need over the past year compared to a 22% increase from the year before.
  • One in every three children live in poverty
  • Each year, more than 900,000 individuals are at risk of food insecurity in the Delaware Valley

- See more at:

 Blue Bell Rotary supports Philabundance to address local hunger here in the Montgomery County local area.


Blue Bell Rotary Addresses Local Hunger Through Support at Philabundance Lisa Miller 2013-08-15 00:00:00Z 0

Sally Hurwitz and Dee Coyle Named Blue Bell Rotary Citizens of the Year and Montco Citizens of the Week

Posted by Lisa Miller on Aug 08, 2013
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Sally Hurwitz has helped turn her passion for helping others into a thriving not-for-profit organization in Ambler.

The co-president of the after-school program for at-risk elementary schools students called Stars, Hurwitz and fellow Co-President Dee Coyle — next week’s Citizen of the Week — were recipients of the Blue Bell Rotary Club’s Citizens of the Year for their dedication to helping positively change the lives of area students.

Hurwitz said her involvement with the program comes from a desire to help others.

For more, click here

Sally Hurwitz and Dee Coyle Named Blue Bell Rotary Citizens of the Year and Montco Citizens of the Week Lisa Miller 2013-08-09 00:00:00Z 0

Mukaa chicken coop project progress

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jul 02, 2013
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The Rev Armstron Njeru sends pictures showing progress of the Mukaa Children's Home chicken coop project. Notice how the drilling has started! Click here for more details
Mukaa chicken coop project progress Lisa Miller 2013-07-03 00:00:00Z 0
Shelterbox and Interact Lisa Miller 2013-07-01 00:00:00Z 0
Habitat Home Dedication Lisa Miller 2013-06-22 00:00:00Z 0

Cassidy Scholar

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jun 17, 2013
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We are thrilled to present this scholarship to Mark. In honor of former Blue Bell Rotarian and community leader, Tom Cassidy, this award is presented to those who have excelled during their high school career.


Cassidy Scholar Lisa Miller 2013-06-18 00:00:00Z 0

Welcome New Members

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jun 17, 2013
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Have you met Manesh? Please take a moment to introduce yourself and get to know him.  To learn more about membership at BBRC, please visit our membership page
Welcome New Members Lisa Miller 2013-06-18 00:00:00Z 0
Mukaa water project continues Lisa Miller 2013-06-11 00:00:00Z 0

SARS Groundbreaking

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jun 03, 2013
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SARS breaks ground on their home here in Whitpain Township.
SARS Groundbreaking Lisa Miller 2013-06-04 00:00:00Z 0

St Mary's Gates Fully Painted!

Posted by Lisa Miller on May 16, 2013

St. Mary's Villla fence is completed...what a crew...

We have painted all of St Mary's Fences this Rotary year...

Another well done job for the community by the Blue Bell Rotary Club.



St Mary's Gates Fully Painted! Lisa Miller 2013-05-17 00:00:00Z 0

2nd Annual Pancake Breakfast a Huge Success

Posted by Lisa Miller on May 12, 2013
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Yes indeed. With Elmo, Wissahickon Middle School support, and our friends and family, Whitpain township came together with Blue Bell Rotary on April 14, 2013  to support Second Alarmers and together we contributed $10k toward this great organization so they have a home here in Blue Bell. We are thrilled that three middle-school children donated their time and talent to record a video. Watch here what Claire has put together:






2nd Annual Pancake Breakfast a Huge Success Lisa Miller 2013-05-13 00:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell Rotary 4 Way Test Speech Contest

Posted by Lisa Miller on Apr 26, 2013

For the first time, Blue Bell Rotary hosted a 4Way Test Speech Contest. Kudos to Wissahickon High School for partnering with us for this wonderful oppotunity to strengthen students' public speaking skills while sharing Rotary's 4 Way Test. See how Wissahickon students demonstrate the value of Ethical Decision making principles in these videos (more are coming once we solve the technical challenge!)

Watch Andrew address the issues of cheating.

Watch Brendan address the issue of cun control.

Andrew came in first in our local club contest. He could not attend regionals, so Brendan attended. Brendan won and went straight to the finals.

Congrats to Andrew and Brendan for a job well done. Congrats to all who participated in our club contest:

Caroline Alberti, 10th grade        Carolyn Chen, 10th grade

Sanat Deshpande, 10th grade     Andrew Ge, 10th grade

Remi Ginsberg, 10th grade         Brendan Hopkins, 12th grade

Blue Bell Rotary 4 Way Test Speech Contest Lisa Miller 2013-04-27 00:00:00Z 0
Blue Bell Rotary Prez Honored with District Level Rotarian of the Year Lisa Miller 2013-04-27 00:00:00Z 0

Blue Bell and Brendan Go to the 4Way Test District Finals!

Posted by Lisa Miller on Apr 12, 2013
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This past Saturday April 13th, Rotary District 7430 sponsored the 4 Way Test Speech Contest for high school students in each of its three regions. This is the third year that District 7430 held the competition and the SouthEast Regional Contest was held at Central Bucks South High School.


Blue Bell and Brendan Go to the 4Way Test District Finals! Lisa Miller 2013-04-13 00:00:00Z 0
Whet Your Appetite for Chefs of the Burbs 2013 Lisa Miller 2013-04-06 00:00:00Z 0
Pancake Breakfast to Support SARS Lisa Miller 2013-04-02 00:00:00Z 0
Student of the Quarter - Isabelle Helmich Lisa Miller 2013-03-07 00:00:00Z 0
Want to learn more about Rotaract? Lisa Miller 2013-02-23 00:00:00Z 0

YMCA - We support organizations that support the community

Posted by Lisa Miller on Feb 12, 2013
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The Y believes its programs and services should be available to everyone, regardless of age, background, ability or income. No one is turned away because of inability to pay. It is through its Annual Campaign that they raise funds to support those individuals and families in our community who would not otherwise be able to afford the Y
YMCA - We support organizations that support the community Lisa Miller 2013-02-13 00:00:00Z 0
Times Herald Article on Rotary, Habitat and Villanova Lisa Miller 2013-02-12 00:00:00Z 0

Community In Action

Posted by Lisa Miller on Feb 09, 2013
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Thanks to John and the quilting gang at Brittany Pointe Retirement home in Lansdale. The ladies made these hand-made quilts for Rotaplast...What a wonderful gift of love to give to the children who have received the cleft lip and pallet surgery...
Community In Action Lisa Miller 2013-02-10 00:00:00Z 0

Allan and ShelterBox....The Dynamic duo

Posted by Lisa Miller on Feb 04, 2013

Around the world, when natural disasters strike or people are displaced by political upheaval or all-out war, Rotary International — a.k.a. the Rotary Club, the long-standing service and goodwill organization — distributes to those in greatest need a green plastic box that can literally mean the difference between life and death.

Allan and ShelterBox....The Dynamic duo Lisa Miller 2013-02-05 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary of Blue Bell Builds Peace Through Service Lisa Miller 2013-02-04 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary of Blue Bell and Habitat

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jan 21, 2013
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On Tuesday, Jan 22, Rotary of Blue Bell announced its support for a home in Norristown. Rotary will be working along with Villanova University to finish the preparation before the lucky family moves in. Move in date is targeted for June.

We have launched our first work day and we're excited.

Stay tuned for more details on work days and watch the progress here. 



Rotary of Blue Bell and Habitat Lisa Miller 2013-01-22 00:00:00Z 0

13th Annual Montgomery County Wellness Expo

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jan 17, 2013
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The Rotary Club of Blue Bell is pleased to announce the 13th Annual Montgomery County Wellness Expo, to be held on April 6, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. until Noon. This community service event is held at Montgomery County Community College’s Physical Education Center and is co-sponsored by Einstein Medical Center Montgomery, Montgomery County Community College, and the Blue Bell Rotary Club.

Special thanks to Teva Pharmaceuticals for supporting our participation and leadership in this year's event.

13th Annual Montgomery County Wellness Expo Lisa Miller 2013-01-18 00:00:00Z 0

2nd Annual Rotary Pancake Breakfast - Sunday, April 14th! Manor House Prophecy Creek

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jan 17, 2013
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We are excited to announce that the 2nd Annual Rotary Pancake Breakfast will be held on Sunday, April 14, 2013 from 8am to 11:30 am at the Manor House Prophecy Creek!  Mark your calendars.  All proceeds will again benefit Second Alarmers Rescue Squad to help fund the new Whitpain station.  SARS provides life saving emergency medical services not only to Blue Bell, but also to residents in Abington, Upper Dublin, Upper Moreland, Hatboro, Jenkintown, and Rockledge. We are proud to support this group of dedicated professionals.

For more information, contact Joanne Messerschmidt at 610-724-3935

Sponsored By:


2nd Annual Rotary Pancake Breakfast - Sunday, April 14th! Manor House Prophecy Creek Lisa Miller 2013-01-18 00:00:00Z 0

Ron Smith heads to Uganda

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jan 16, 2013
Ron kicks off his journey to Uganda departing Jan 21 and will return Jan 30. He is looking for hospital sites remote from Kampala that we can work with in our Maternal & Child Healthcare Education and Delivery in Uganda. This is a 3 year program to increase the capacity and quality of Maternal & Child Health care in Uganda by improving related health care education and infrastructure.
Ron Smith heads to Uganda Lisa Miller 2013-01-17 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary of Blue Bell announces its launch today in support our international literacy project

Posted by Lisa Miller on Jan 14, 2013
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Rotary of Blue Bell announces its launch today in support of our international literacy project to outfit the Mukaa Primary School in Kenya with tables, chairs and shelves. This project is one of several ongoing partnerships with Sustained Acts. Tom Tillett leads Sustained Acts, which has a focus of creating sustainable programs that have long-term positive impacts on the lives they reach. As a partner, Rotary is ensured that the funds are properly managed and the effort is completed. In the words of Bruce Dearnley, Blue Bell Rotarian and a member of the international committee that is spearheading this effort,” We have people in Kenya on a regular basis who will oversee the work and make sure it gets properly accomplished”.   

We look forward to posting pictures as they become available!

Rotary of Blue Bell announces its launch today in support our international literacy project Lisa Miller 2013-01-15 00:00:00Z 0

Grisly attacks in Pakistan target those doing good to children (Polio vaccination)

Posted by Lisa Miller on Dec 21, 2012

As reported in The Economist in the Dec 22 2012 print edition:

ON DECEMBER 18th five health workers, all women, were gunned down in Pakistan in carefully planned and co-ordinated shootings. They were administering polio vaccinations. The following day a vaccination supervisor and her driver were killed. Several health workers are critically injured. The youngest killed was a 17-year-old in the north-western town of Peshawar. Others were working in poor, ethnic Pushtun districts in the southern megacity of Karachi, where polio workers have already been killed this year. The Pakistani Taliban or allied groups are the murderers, and they have now caused the UN to suspend its campaign to eradicate polio in Pakistan. For more information, click here



Grisly attacks in Pakistan target those doing good to children (Polio vaccination) Lisa Miller 2012-12-22 00:00:00Z 0

Watoto Choir

Posted by Lisa Miller on Nov 19, 2012
To our friends and neighbors in the Blue Bell Community, thanks for Your Continued Support. Together with Bethlehem Baptist Church, we were able to provide $4,000 to Watoto, enough to support 10 children for almost 1 full year. We are Community in Action and We are Fired Up for Rotary!
Watoto Choir Lisa Miller 2012-11-20 00:00:00Z 0

To our community of friends and family: Thank you for joining us at the 7th Annual Chefs of the Burbs.

Posted by Lisa Miller on Oct 30, 2012
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You made this event a success AGAIN this year! As a result, we were able complete our $25k challenge for Habitat and strengthen our programs for local hunger, literacy and scholastic endeavors, local emergency response, plus international water, sanitation and emergency relief projects, and worldwide polio eradication.

Remember to thank our restaurants

Arpeggio + Blue Bell CC + Buonimissimo + Cafe Excellance + Dettera + Jos. Ambler Inn + L'Angolo Blue + Le Gourmet + Mina Cucina Rustica + MONTCO Community College + Pine Crest Country Club + P.J. Whelihan's + Saffron Indian Restaurant + Thai Orchid + Trader Joes +

To read more about the event, please read about it in the Ambler Gazette 

See our photo journal of Chefs  and  our guests

Thanks to our sponsor:


To our community of friends and family: Thank you for joining us at the 7th Annual Chefs of the Burbs. Lisa Miller 2012-10-31 00:00:00Z 0
Blue Bell Rotarian receives President’s Volunteer Service Award David Shoemaker 2011-05-06 00:00:00Z 0
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett made a stop in Blue Bell to speak with Rotarians about issues facing the Commonwealth. Lisa Miller 0
Rotary Leadership Dinner Jan 29 Lisa Miller 0

Vocational Training Team (VTT) Heads to Uganda

Posted by Ronald Smith

Vocational Training Team (VTT) Heads to Uganda
Jan 24 – Feb 14

Maternal and Child Healthcare Education

The Blue Bell Rotary Club and District 7430 are leading a VTT in partnership with Drexel University in Philadelphia and Makerere University and the Kampala North Rotary Club in to improve the healthcare for mothers and children in Uganda.

Follow our Blog …..As we prepare and while we are “doing good in the world” in Uganda

Vocational Training Team (VTT) Heads to Uganda Ronald Smith 0

TICKET TO DINING: Chefs of the Burbs moves to PineCrest Country Club for eighth annual gala benefit

Posted by Lisa Miller

Blue Bell Rotary President Rusty Beardsley likes to tease when he talks of the silent auction items being offered in the 2013 edition of Chefs of the Burbs.

“This year,” said Beardsley, “we are particularly excited to have some surprise items, like a glider ride, which will generate very active bidding.”

And if soaring above the earth in a hang glider doesn’t whet the appetite of adventurers out there, how about these live auction items? Read more here

TICKET TO DINING: Chefs of the Burbs moves to PineCrest Country Club for eighth annual gala benefit Lisa Miller 0
We ARE Rotary and We ARE PROUD Lisa Miller 0

WOW: Get Inspired for the upcoming 4 Way Speech Contest

Posted by Lisa Miller

Mark your calendars for March 12, 7pm for our local 4Way Speech Contest with WHS.

To prepare, check out this HIGH SCHOOL student, and winner of the 2011 4 Way Speech Contest. Divya Thomas received 1st Place in the 2011 Rotary District 6630 Four Way Speech Contest. She was sponsored by the Strongsville (Ohio) Rotary Club. Her topic was National Debt.

1- Is it the truth?

2- Is it fair to all concerned?

3- Does it build goodwill and better friendships?

4- Is it beneficial to all concerned?



WOW: Get Inspired for the upcoming 4 Way Speech Contest Lisa Miller 0
BBRC Supports St. Mary’s Villa for Children and Families 0

A Rotary Engine

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Rotary International is recognized in the international "Economist" magazine for its' efforts against Polio. Interesting reading. ( Photo copyright "The Economist" )

View article A Rotary Engine

A Rotary Engine 0

Mukaa Children's Home and Mukaa Community water distribution system

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Bruce Dearnley brings greetings and the club flag from Nairobi Hurlingham Rotary Club, our new Host partner for the proposed Mukaa Children's Home and Mukaa Community water well and distribution system. BBR is considering the project. The intrepid Bruce returns once again. Accepting on our behalf is President Dale Rubinkam.
Mukaa Children's Home and Mukaa Community water distribution system 0

The Beautiful ( and clean ) Wissahickon

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This picturesque  view of the Wissahickon was presented to BBR by Nancy Venner, Executive Director of the Wissahickon Valley Watershed Association,  thanking us for a long standing sponsorship of their annual stream clean-up.  Full size view inside 'more'
The Beautiful ( and clean ) Wissahickon 0