Club Information
Welcome to our Club!
Blue Bell

Service Above Self

We meet In Person & Online
Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m.
Montgomery County Community College College Hall Rm 144/148
1313 Morris Road
Blue Bell, PA 19422
United States of America
We meet at MCCC in College Hall in Room 144/148. Our meetings are in person and online! Please contact our President for the Zoom link. Feel free to join us for our monthly social on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM at a local restaurant.
The regular meeting location on the campus of Montgomery County Community College: College Hall Room 144/148, which is accessed from Morris Road near DeKalb Pike.

  1. From Morris Rd, enter the Montgomery County Community College campus.
  2. Take first left. 
  3. At the first stop sign turn right. 
  4. Proceed to the last parking area, where the road splits. Park on your left where there's a sign for Morris Parking A.
  5. Walk across the road, then up the pathway (about one block) to the white three story building, this is College Hall.
  6. Turn left at the building and proceed a few doors. Enter at door A2, directly into our meeting space.

Mailing Address:
Rotary Club of Blue Bell
P.O. Box 1011
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Check us out on Facebook

For more information regarding membership, contact Mindi Vogel.

If you are interested in presenting to our club, please contact Bruce Dearnley.


THANK YOU to our corporate sponsors: Montgomery County Community College and Delta Community Supports Inc.

Read about how we help!
Home Page Stories
CHEFS of the BURBS Coming May 21, 2025
Every year, a signature event for our Rotary club is the renowned “Chefs of the Burbs”. During this event attendees from our community sample the wonderful food creations from close two 2 dozen local restaurants,  participate in a silent and live auctions, and enjoy an evening of community celebration. All of this benefitting local charitable organizations. 

Every child deserves a community who cares. For one night each year the Rotary Club of Blue Bell invites twenty of our area’s most talented restaurant chefs to create an unforgettable feast. Proceeds from this popular annual event support local kids and community though the Rotary Club of Blue Bell and their local nonprofit beneficiaries*. 

Blue Bell Rotary Club is one of 35,000 clubs around the world comprising 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who volunteer to create lasting change in our communities and across the globe. Since its founding 30 years ago, Blue Bell Rotary has contributed over $2 Million and countless service hours to local and international needs. 

Please join us on May 21, 2025 at Manor House @ Prophecy Creek Manor in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Tickets ($95pp) and business sponsorships for Chefs of the Burbs are available at To learn more about Rotary Club of Blue Bell visit

Rotaplast International has been providing reconstructive surgeries for 25 years to children with cleft lip, cleft palate, burns, and other anomalies in countries where they would not receive reconstructive surgeries. So far, Rotaplast has supported 220 missions to 26 countries, treating 20,200 patients and creating enormous international goodwill.
For over a dozen years, Blue Bell Rotary has been supporting Rotaplast through our District 7430 Rotaplast team. Blue Bell Rotarians, husband and wife team Andy Johanson and Wendy Axelrod help raise funds ($100,00 per mission) that send multidisciplinary volunteer medical teams to provide reconstructive surgeries. These surgeries normalize the children and their families, so they can join their community and pursue a highly functional, active, and happy life. Just as important, beginning in 2010, Andy and Wendy have traveled to these economically challenged countries to participate, hands-on, in numerous 2-week medical missions.
Though there has been a pandemic hiatus, our next mission will be scheduled once funds are secured.    Blue Bell Rotary is a proud supporter of this humanitarian effort, and we are gratified to continue helping transform hundreds of lives in the coming years.
CHEFS of the BURBS May 2023
Every year, a signature event for our Rotary club is the renowned “Chefs of the Burbs”.  During this event attendees from our community sample the wonderful food creations from close two 2 dozen local restaurants,  participate in a silent and live auctions, and enjoy an evening of community celebration. All of this benefitting local charitable organizations. 
This year we held our 17th annual Chefs of the Burbs on May 17th, on the beautiful grounds of Prophecy Creek Manor.  It was a sold-out event with over 325 people in attendance.   A great time was had by all!  We  are so grateful to our many sponsors for the event, including Lauro Painting, Wegmans, Montgomery Community College, Jefferson Medical College, the Clarence J. Venne Foundation, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Tompkins, Joseph Levine & Sons, Steven Binnick MD, Keller Williams, and Vogel Giving Fund.  We raised over $70,000  to benefit the Wissahickon Boys & Girls Club, Do Better 4 Steve, Family Promise Montco PA, and the Foundation of Blue Bell Rotary.
Our 2024 Chefs event is in the works right now, so stay tuned!
What is Rotary?

Why Rotary? 

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Do You Have a Passion to Serve? Do You Enjoy Fun and Fellowship?

Come and Join Us! Click here to learn more about joining Rotary.

Peter Jones
Feb 18, 2025 7:30 AM
Men's Health
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Rotary Foundation
Youth Exchange
Past President
Community Service
International Service
Vice President
Public Image Chair