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Thermal blankets and insulated ground sheets
Waterproof ponchos and bin bags
A multi-fuel stove that can burn anything from diesel to old paint!
Cooking pans, utensils, bowls and mugs
Collapsible water containers and water purification tablets
A basic tool kit - hammer, axe, saw, pliers, hoe head, trenching shovel, rope etc
A small, children's pack containing drawing books, crayons, pens etc. However, a range of equipment is kept in stock. This allows ShelterBox to be flexible and adjust the contents of the box according to local conditions and what is most urgently needed.
We also have sleeping bags that can be used in particularly cold conditions. Sometimes, particularly if other resources are available locally and the overwhelming need is for shelter - we will just send tents and pack two in each box.
Once assembled, boxes are banded and sealed for transit. They are individually numbered so each box can be tracked and donors can know the final destination of the box.
For $1,000 Your Family or Club
Can Sponsor a ShelterBox
Make checks to "ShelterBox USA",
and mail to Allan Syphers, P.O. Box 535,
All donations are Tax Deductible
Partial Box Donations Accepted
Ask about a ShelterBox presentation
for your organization